IEEA 2025


Submission Portal


Submission is available now: (.pdf only).
An account is need. If you have any questions, feel free to contac conference secretary


Template Download


Full Paper Template

LaTex Template

Abstract Template


Policy on Multiple Submissions


All submissions will be checked for originality.If the author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, we will reject the article submitted or delete the article from the final publications


Instructions for Accepted Papers


After registration, the final paper submitted designates your paper as "Camera Ready" and it will be available online as part of the conference proceedings. Please note that there will not be an additional opportunity to revise your paper. In preparing for the proceedings, please follow the author guidelines posted above under "Paper Format."


Full Paper will be accepted for publication and presentation, Abstract will be accepted only for presentation.


Any question, please feel free to contact with Ms. Amber Lin